Terms and Conditions

Explore our terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions

Last Updated 2/22/2024

Reservations and Cancellations
Reservations can be made online or by contacting Blue Diamond Boat Rentals directly. Weather-related cancellations will be refunded in full. For all other cancellations, a notice must be given at least 72 hours in advance to receive a full refund. Cancellations made less than 72 hours in advance may result in a partial or no refund, at the discretion of Blue Diamond Boat Rentals.

Renters are responsible for the safe operation of the rental boat and must adhere to all safety guidelines and regulations. Life jackets must be worn by all passengers while on board the rental boat.

Renters are responsible for any damage caused to the rental boat during the rental period, excluding normal wear and tear.

Changes to Reservations
Blue Diamond Boat Rentals reserves the right to cancel or modify reservations due to unforeseen circumstances or unsafe weather conditions (Weather Cancellations are in your best interest)

Blue Diamond Boat Rentals is not liable for any injuries, accidents, or damages that occur during the rental period, unless caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of Blue Diamond Boat Rentals.

Payment is required in full at the time of reservation, unless otherwise agreed upon by Blue Diamond Boat Rentals.


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